| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
NEED | How quickly does the environment in which your industry / sector operates change | Virtually no change. The industry changes within a static environment. No external pressures on the industry to change | Low level of operating environment change. Some legislation, or environmental change. | Medium level of environment change. Every year some change or legislation occurs that forces an industry response | High level of change in the environment. Fast changing, evolving legislation, or environment change forces many annual changes on the industry | Intense change. Often difficult to keep up with what is changing / has changed. Need constant industry response. Need constant environmental monitoring |
How fast changing is your industry / sector | Virtually no change in this industry / sector. Things stay the same from year to year | Low level of change. Some changes occur annually, without much pressure to keep up. | Medium level of change. Some industry processes / methods / products change on an annual basis | High level of change. Most methods / products / processes have some form of change in a year | Intense change. Industry processes, products, methods constantly changing |
How often do your customers / suppliers change | Our customer / supplier base is a constant. Very little change demanded from them | Every now and then our customers or suppliers require us to change our products / services or channels | We need to make changes on an annual basis to accommodate customer / supplier change demand | Our customers or suppliers change regularly, requiring us to change as well | There is constant change in our customer / supplier base, requiring on-going change to our products / services / channels |
BUSINESS CHANGE DRIVERS | How often are basic business rules / processes / practices required to change | Almost never. We seldom change our basic business practices (HR, Finance, Admin, Procurement, Legal) | Low level of change. Occasionally we change basic business processes and rules. | We change our some of business rules / processes / methods every year | Our basic business rules / processes / methods change often. There may be a backlog | We are constantly changing our rules / processes / methods. There is pent-up demand to change the basics |
How often do you need to change the industry practices / methods that you use | This is a very stable industry. We seldom change the way we conduct industry specific methods / practices (E.g. Mining, Healthcare | We make occasional changes to the way we work in our industry practices | Every year we change at least one major process / activity to keep up with industry trends | We change numerous industry practices / processes and methods to keep ahead of industry practices and standards | We constantly change our practices and processes. Our industry approach is in a state of flux. We see ourselves as ahead of the game. |